Christmas greetings from ENCHANT’s project leader – December
Dear enchanted people,
The holiday season is approaching and COVID does not seem to let go within the next weeks. Not the easiest times for many of us. However, I hope that you, your family, and loved ones can have some quiet and relaxing days during the holiday without too many worries.
Christmas is a time for traditions, which are important for our well-being and deeply connected to our identity. For many of us, the tradition of what to eat at Christmas eve and the other Christmas days has been handed down for generations. Think of the smell of Christmas cookies… Think of the good food shared with the ones we love. Some of us have also started new traditions or are about to. Let us also cheer for them.
It is important to keep loved traditions alive. For some, food traditions include eating meat, for others it does not. However, maybe the days between Christmas and New Year’s Eve present an opportunity to try something new, to introduce a tradition?
Christmas is also a time with plenty of food, and we tend to either eat too much, or we do not manage to eat up everything. Maybe, this year we can all make an effort not to throw away so much. Throwing away good food ought not to be part of any tradition, and instead we can share more of what we have or be better at preparing delicious leftovers.
I wish you all the best for the coming holidays! Enjoy yourself and maybe try something new if you feel like it. If you are up for an almost vegetarian Christmas, we cheer for you – and please share your best recipes with us. If the traditional Christmas dinner is important for you, we hope you thoroughly enjoy that also. At the same time, we hope you can find some inspiration to try something new in the other coming days in this newsletter.
Merry Christmas, and a happy and enchanted New Year. Stay safe and healthy.
Christian Klöckner, Coordinator of Enchant