Webinar: How to get Citizens to Reduce Their Energy Consumption?
Slides and recording from webinar hosted by the EU project ENCHANT.
Webinar: How to get Citizens to Reduce Their Energy Consumption?
Slides and recording from webinar hosted by the EU project ENCHANT.
Project result presented at ePLANET Stakeholders Forum
Project coordinator Christian Klöckner presented results from Enchant. Watch the recording.
Successful Conference Concludes with Valuable Insights and results.
Enchant to showcase important results and project findings at Enlit 2023 in Paris
Enchants Final Conference – Trondheim
Mark your calendars! Save the date! On the 26. of September the Horizon-project Enchant is hosting its final conference in Trondheim.
Several researchers from the ENCHANT project recently published an article, where they present a comprehensive overview “of field experiments utilizing social norms, commitment and price-based interventions to promote energy conservation, load shifting, and energy efficiency behaviors”.
Summer greetings from ENCHANT’s project leader
Dear ENCHANTING people, Another summer in ENCHANT is approaching, and as the project is nearing its end, we are preparing for finalising the data collection before a well-deserved holiday.
Our Enchanting project leader, Christian Klöckner will present findings at ICEP 2023 in Aarhus.
Now you can win prizes and save money by getting control of your own energy consumption
Through the EU project ENCHANT, we want to learn more about the energy consumption of our citizens.
Food waste in focus: We need to act
Each resident of Viken throws away an average of 75 kilos of fully edible food per year.
A new perspective on transportation in Izmir – Cittaslow Metropol
Beautiful İzmir, located around a gulf, has attracted attention for many years with its diversity in public transportation and active use of sea transportation.
Izmir Metropolitan Municipality – An Enchanted Project partner
İzmir is the third-largest city in Turkey, with a population of more than 4 million and an area of 11,892 square kilometres.
ENCHANT interventions are reaching millions
ENCHANT has now completed several intervention implementations across Europe – reaching millions of people. Read on to see how our partners in Turkey and Romania did so. Turkish interventions In Turkey, ENCHANT interventions are implemented in Izmir, where Izmir University of Economics is the academic partner in charge, and the implementation partners are Gediz Electricity […]
The food system in different countries uses a massive amount of energy from start to finish. In the U.S. they consume as much energy preparing and transporting food as France uses to power the entire country for a year.
Energy efficient and healthy recipes from our Enchanting partners
ENCHANTs partners are from different countries in Europe and have different traditions and dishes that they feel are “theirs”. We asked them to list up some of their favourite dishes that are energy efficient, healthy and really good. This is their respons.
Christmas Food Waste – How to reduce it?
About a third of the food produced for human consumption is wasted every year and that comes with significant environmental and economic costs. 89 million tons of food goes to waste every year only in the European countries and 5 of them come from Romania.[1] Are you a part of the problem or a fighter […]
Christmas greetings from ENCHANT’s project leader – December
An energy efficient Christmas meal
In Norway, rice pudding is a traditional meal on Christmas Eve. This is an energy efficient way to make the meal, and desert from the leftovers.
We understand you are busy people, but these news and tips about water & energy you don’t want to miss.
Why water? You might be wondering why we have chosen water as our main topic in our latest newsletter. Well, let us explain why.
A new Horizon 2020-project takes aim to change your actions and the way you think about energy. Have you ever thought about how your own energy consumption affects our planet? Not just regarding what type of car you drive or how many degrees the thermostat in your house is set on, but how your lifestyle […]
What is a randomized control trial?
Do you know what a randomized control trial is? If not, you might find this video useful.