Summer greetings from ENCHANT’s project leader
Dear ENCHANTING people,
Another summer in ENCHANT is approaching, and as the project is nearing its end, we are preparing for finalising the data collection before a well-deserved holiday.
The highly complex setup of ENCHANT, where we have applied adapted versions of Randomised Controlled Trials in real-life settings across countries and cities, have been challenging on many levels. Being able to reach the high numbers of people we have planned for, at the same time as controlling the messages, communication channels and the responses from groups of people have been demanding. At the same time, we now see how valuable these experiences have been, and how much new knowledge has come out of it. Various findings are very interesting for the research partners in the project, and useful for user partners in their further communication with their inhabitants, customers, and members.
At this point, I am proud to say that as planned, the interventions have been implemented in the various countries, by the different user partners, reaching millions of people across Europe. Taking the time for a small pat on the back is well deserved for everyone in the project.
This fall will be busy and a very important time for ENCHANT, as it will be when the bulk of our findings, results, publications, and policy advise will be presented – alongside the ENCHANT tool. This tool will make it possible for other actors in similar domains as our user partners to learn from our structured and extensive communication experience, aiding the energy transition in European households.
The ongoing war is a tragic reminder of how we share dependencies and interconnectedness throughout Europe, and we hope to soon experience a post-war Europe where some of the knowledge that comes out of ENCHANT will aid a rapid energy transition.
Wishing you all a good summer!
Christian Klöckner
Coordinator of Enchant