Our partners: The Romanian trio
Electrica Furnizare SA (EFSA), as a subsidiary of the Electrica Group, is the leader in the electricity supply market in Romania, with a tradition of over 120 years in the energy field and having a portfolio of over 3.5 million customers. The company stands out through a good knowledge of the consumption characteristics, a modern infrastructure, and staff ready to provide quality services to its customers. EFSA holds the right to carry out the activity of supplying electricity and natural gas throughout the country, regardless of the area distributor.
Cluj-Napoca is Romania’s second largest city, located in the center of Cluj County and covers an area of about 180 km2. Specific to the area of Transylvania, Cluj is a multiethnic and multi-confessional city, with a population of around 320.000inhabitants. The municipality has emerged over the past years as an important actorin the green shift by issuing multi-annual integrated plans aiming at increasing energy efficiency across sectors, by establishing a landmark department on energy efficiency within its structure in order to coordinate energy efficiency related projects at the level of the urban area. The department has recently extended its priorities beyond the public administration sector and activities to reach private households. Moreover, the municipality established a city energy auditor position to coordinate energy efficiency processes in local public buildings and services. Cluj-Napoca Municipality is currently implementing various projects aimed at increasing energy consumption efficiency, innovating energy consumption patterns in the circular economy, reducing the climate impact of energy consumption through energy poverty measures.
The Center for the Study of Democracy is a think-thank founded in 2006 by the Faculty of Political Science at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. The Centerengages in research projects and analyses from a comparative perspective with a solid practical component on issues such as: energy policy, democratization, migration, ethnicity, civic education, electoral behaviour, and institutional design. Furthermore, CSD engages in policymaking and awareness raising. One of the most dynamic fields of activity concern energy policy, mainly related to energy poverty, efficiency and climate impact. Currently, the organization is implementing the project “Mitigating GHG emissions through energy poverty alleviation in Romania”, aiming to understand the nexus between consumer behaviour, energy poverty and climate change, at the level of the Metropolitan Area Cluj-Napoca, in cooperation with the local municipality and other relevant market actors. Through the project theorganization has achieved access to a diverse set of actors relevant to the ENCHANT project: private consumers, energy providers, local administration, and NGOs
The three Romanian user partners’ main task in the project is to provide communication channels to its citizens, where the selected interventions will be distributed. They also participate in developing and tailor-making the interventions to ensure contextual fits.